Da Facts

malasia flag

Full country name: Federation of Malaysia

Area: 329,750 sq km (204,445 sq mi)

Population: 22 million

Capital city: Kuala Lumpur (pop 1.2 million)

People: 50% Malay, 33% Chinese, 9% Indian, plus indigenous tribes such as Orang Asli and Iban

Language: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, indigenous dialects

Religion: 52% Muslim, 17% Buddhist, 12% Taoist, 8% Christian, 8% Hindu, 2% tribal

Government: Parliamentary monarchy

Head of state: King: Tuanku Salehuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni al-Marhum Hisamuddin Alam Shah

Prime Minister: Dr Mahathir Mohamad

GDP: US$99 billion

GDP per head: US$4530

Annual growth: 2%

Inflation: 4%

Major products/industries: Tin, rubber, palm oil, timber, oil, textiles, electronics

Major trading partners: Singapore, Japan, USA

(source: Lonely Planet)



Fly from Chicago-LA (goof off for the day in LA, then midnight flight to...)-Hong Kong-Kuala Lumpur-Kuching around 11,000 miles

After about 40 hours of travel, 24 in the air and 5 hours of sleep over the past 48, I finally arrive in Malaysia. Have 2 minutes to take a shower and then run downstairs to meet my travel mates. Forget to zip my fly.

With Peregrine Tours of Australia , over the next two weeks we travel through Sarawak and Sabah, the two states of Malaysia which occupate the island of Borneo. (Over two thirds of the island is Indonesia and Brunei claims a sliver.

Disclaimer: The facts in the following travelogue are as I remember them through a Larium induced fog!






Hong Kong
